For the cleaning of the submerged hull we use the four (4) wheel hydraulic powered / driven vehicle Brush kart concept capable to move towards all directions with excellent maneuverability, fast & versatile achieving, depending on the fouling, approx. 2200-2500 sq. m. per hour.
It is fitted with a full range of triple rotary brushes of different hardness & density. Depending on the type & severity of marine fouling encountered e.g. light, medium, heavy,the most appropriate type of brush(es) will be selected and used to remove the existing marine growth from the hull effectively causing no damage to the paint coating.
Underwater Commercial Pro-Line Hydraulic Powered Twin Head Cleaning Unit AS-T15 HB. Armada manufacturs 15 different underwater brushes for various cleaning needs.
Depending on the hull surface growth and condition (painted,unpainted,steel,fiberglass,etc.). All of Armada's brushes meet & exceed U.S.Navy standards.